Youth in Action

Youth in Action

luni, 28 martie 2011

Invitație Eveniment

Invitație Eveniment
Youth (Un)Employment and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship – Just do it
Tineret în Acțiune – Acțiunea 1.1 – Schimburi de tineri
24 Martie – 1 Aprilie
Iași, România
Liga Studenților Electroniști din Iași – organizație gazdă în proiectul Entrepreneurship Just do it – și cei 35 de participanți din 7 țări – Polonia, Turcia, Slovenia, Italia, Bulgaria, Lituania și România vă invită marti, 29 martie 2011, începând cu orele 11, la evenimentul Youth (Un)Employment and Entrepreneurship. La acest eveniment participă cei 35 de tineri interesați de promovarea antreprenoriatului ca mecanism ce poate stimula participarea activă a tinerilor și poate contribui la îmbunătățirea situației tinerilor – grup puternic afectat de șomaj, reprezentanți ai autorităților locale și reprezentanți ai Universității Tehnice Gh.Asachi din Iași. Evenimentul are loc în sala de Conferințe a căminului T 8 din Campusul Tudor Vladimirescu din Iași.
Vă mulțumim anticipat pentru participarea la acest eveniment!
Iulian Mitrea
Președinte – Liga Studenților Electroniști din Iași
Informații despre proiect:
Facebook group: Entrepreneurship – Just do it

vineri, 25 martie 2011

SMART Method of Public Policies

Method Description


In our vision, public policy simply means solving problems of public concern. We want to use our efforts to find those solutions that are valuable, sustainable and feasible, and that have a higher impact to our lives. We also want this process to be based on the active participation of every day citizens, who would offer a direction to the best line of action.

It is well known that we play limited roles in public life. We are usually called upon during elections to vote and influence the public policies for the next years. But, during an elected term, we do not have efficient means to influence important decisions that affect our communities, be it at a local, national or international level. If we are lucky, some elected or appointed officials really encourage participation projects and we manage to make our voices heard in the community and influence public policies.

We also encounter a limited access to the decision making process that affects our daily life. This is due to circumstantial and personal matters. The circumstantial problems are based on a lack of efficient means to offer our feedback to problems of public concern. The personal matters are based on "lower socioeconomic status, lack of impact of personal participation compared to collective participation, limited time and money, lack of information and knowledge about issues, and lack of confidence in people's ability to be effective" (Brian Adams, "Citizen Lobbyists. Local efforts to influence public policy").

The scheme of SMART Method of Public Policy

SMART Method of Public Policy is a combination of online and offline citizen engagement. We have set up an easy, straight forward, step-by-step approach to recommending solutions to community problems. The website, is the backbone of our method and offers two important services:

- It allows any person to raise a problem of European public concern that needs a valuable, sustainable and feasible solution, accessing the "Raise a problem to our team" link.
- It allows any person to recommend solutions to the existing problems that are published on the website, with only one mouse-click away.

Once we have enough solution proposals, our project team follows the next steps to support and endorse the best solutions:

1. First, we analyze each solution proposal individually, and select those that are valuable, sustainable and feasible. A feasible solution is one that can be accomplished by the existing organizations or with help from others. A "valuable solution is one that brings value to overseers, people in general or members of the targeted communities, while a sustainable solution is one that is likely to attract public support, as well as authority and money from the political, social or business environments" (definitions inspired from Mark Moore's "Creating Public Value").

2. Once our team decides upon the best solution, we create a policy paper. This describes the problem along with the best solutions given by citizens. It also contains a recommendation at the end, based on the careful analysis of ethical criteria.

3. In the next step, we start building awareness around our solution, so we send the policy paper to elected and appointed officials, to implement our solution. If needed, we send it to the mass-media as well.

4. We also archive the policy paper on so that anybody can download it and send it to whoever might be able to implement our solution.

5. We publish every official response on the page of the problem. The problem poster has the option to either approve the response if he/she is pleased with the feedback of the authorities or reject the response, motivating his/her decision. If rejected, the participation process is started all over again.

SMART Method of Public Policy, step-by-step presentation

On the citizen engagement platform that serves “SMART Method of Public Policy” at, any citizen can raise a problem of European public concern. The process takes a couple of minutes and is one mouse-click away from homepage. The problem poster will click the “Raise a problem to our team” link available from any page and fill in the problem identification form. This form gathers data that is aimed at creating more leverage to the participation process: title of the problem, category, language, a suggestive photo for the problem, and text that explains the problem. As people who participate online are many times looking for prestige, the citizen engagement platform allows problem posters to publish some personal details like: name, profession, education, a webpage, a personal photo, and the name of the organization that the problem poster is representing. The name of the organization that is able to solve the problem is also asked. In case the problem poster knows what organization could solve or put in practice a solution for the problem of public concern that he/she is publishing, its name may be mentioned in the appropriate field.

Once the form is submitted and afterwords approved by an administrator, the problem’s page is automatically created by a script. A status bar indicates step 1 or red color, meaning that the problem meets the criteria of “SMART Method of Public Policy.” The problem’s page has features that allow it to engage the participation process in an interactive and constructive way and to generate leverage in order to determine community action. At the top, there is the name of the category of the problem, the title of the problem and a “share” widget that allows for easy dissemination over the Internet. The body of the page contains the text explaining the problem, the photo of the problem, the photo of the problem poster with hyperlink towards his/her website, the name of the problem poster, his/her profession, organization, the date when the problem was posted, the target institution to solve the problem, and a status bar. This tells the visitor how far away in the participation process is the problem, according to the following legend:

1. Red: the problem has been approved by an administrator.
2. Orange: the problem has received at least one solution.
3. Yellow: the project managing partners have published a policy paper.
4. Light green: the target institution has issued a response.
5. Dark green: the problem poster is satisfied with the answer or the action of the target institution.

The lower part of the problem’s page contains the form that allows citizens to publish their solutions. The visitor has the option to write the text of his/her solution and publish it along with name, photo, hyperlink towards a website, and the date the solution was approved by an administrator. Once a solution is published, the status of the problem is switched to orange, or step 2.

When the problem poster wishes, or when a problem receives a good number of solutions, one of the nonprofits managing the platform issues a policy paper. The policy paper is an official document, coming under the logo of a legally established organization that is managing partner in implementing “SMART Method of Public Policy.” It analyzes the problem, along with the most valuable, sustainable and feasible solution(s) and recommends a line of action. Once the policy paper is ready, it is sent by fax and email to the public institution that is able to allocate resources and solve the problem. It is also archived on the problem’s page. Once this happens, the status of the problem changes to yellow, or step 3.

Because the policy paper is sent as an official document, an answer is expected from the public institution that the paper is addressing to (target institution). Once an answer is received at the office of the nonprofit organization that sent the policy paper, it is scanned and published on the problem’s page. At this moment, the status bar of the problem changes to light green or step 4 and the problem poster receives a notification email that gives him/her two options:

If satisfied with the answer or with the action of the public institution, he/she will close the problem and nobody is able to offer solutions anymore. The status of the problem changes to dark green or step 5. This is a success story of participation. If not satisfied, then he/she will state the reasons why and the participation process is started all over again from step 2 or the orange status, until another policy paper is issued and a new answer is received.

We consider that if we follow these easy and straight forward steps, backed up by the functionality of the citizen engagement platform, we have good chances to influence public policies at local, national and international levels. Using the advantages of the Internet, and of the website specifically, we will fulfill our mission, that is, to engage people in providing valuable, sustainable and feasible solutions to problems of public concern. This way we generate "public policies made by citizens!"

Opportunities - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a new cross-border business exchange programme aimed at helping new or would-be entrepreneurs to acquire the relevant skills for managing a small or medium-sized enterprise and experienced businessmen or women, looking for fresh perspectives and international cooperation opportunities.

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, financed by the European Commission, puts innovative ideas into practice. Whether you are a new or highly experienced entrepreneur, the programme will offer strong added value to your business.

Exchange of knowledge and experience, better business networking possibilities across Europe and new commercial relations for European businesses are guaranteed.

Press Release 1 - Entrepreneurship - Just do it

Comunicat de presă – Entrepreneurship – Just do it
Tineret în Acțiune – Acțiunea 1.1 – Schimburi de tineri
24 Martie – 1 Aprilie
Iași, România

În perioada 24 Martie – 1 Aprilie, Liga Studenților Electroniști din Iași - implementează proiectul Entrepreneurship – Just do it - – finanțat prin programul Tineret în Acțiune, Acțiunea 1.1 – Schimburi de tineri - / . Entrepreneurship – Just do it, este o inițiativă a unui grup de tineri, implementat de un grup de 35 de tineri, pentru egalii lor, interesați de promovarea antreprenoriatului – cu accent pe antreprenoriatul social. Acest schimb, la care participă 35 de tineri, din 7 țări: Lituania, Italia, Turcia, Slovenia, Polonia, Bulgaria și România are ca scop promovarea antreprenoriatului ca mecanism ce poate participarea activă a tinerilor și poate contribui la îmbunătățirea situației tinerilor, grup puternic afectat de efectele crizei economice și sociale. În plus, în cele 8 zile de proiect, tinerii au oportunitatea de a se familiariza cu tehnici și metode de suport pentru viitoarele inițiative de antreprenoriat – metode de leadership, web 2.0, guerilla marketing. De asemenea, Enterpreneurship – Just do it, promovează prioritățile anului 2011, ca an European al Voluntariatului, prin dezvoltarea unor inițiative de antreprenoriat social ce au ca scop participarea activă a tinerilor, ca actor social pentru schimbare, în dezvoltarea comunitară durabilă.

Informații despre proiect:

Facebook group: Entrepreneurship – Just do it

Iulian Mitrea

Entrepreneurship - Just do it - Programme

Day 0:
Getting to know eachother

Day 1:
Knowing each other and ice breaking
Coffee break
Group building Learning expectations of participants

Lunch break
Introduction to youth exchange
YiA presentation – 2010,2011 – priorities – Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Coffee break
What is youth pass?
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Intercultural evening

Day 2:
What is entrepreneurship?
Coffee break
What competences you should have to be an entrepreneur – self analysis
Lunch break
What are the fields for young entrepreneurs to act?
Social entrepreneurship
Involvement – SMART method of Public Policies
Coffee break
Social entrepreneurship II
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Music and dance evening

Day 3:
Entrepreneurship and the European dimension

Coffee break
National situation analysis
Lunch break
Values of Entrepreneur. Watching movie (American gangster)
Coffee break
Discussion on values of Entrepreneur.
European values
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Dressed Up evening

Day 4:
Meeting the representatives of Iasi University
Coffee break
Analysis of ideas for action Developing ideas for possible for entrepreneur actions
Lunch break
Tools of Entrepreneurs:
Planning and time management
Coffee break
Ideas for Action 2
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Table game evening

Day 5:
Tools of Entrepreneurs
Coffee break
Developing the ideas for action 3
Lunch break
City game – Iasi
Coffee break
City game
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Free evening Iasi

Day 6:
Tools of Entrepreneurs:
Guerrilla marketing
Coffee break
Meeting the students of Iasi University – Promo – Do it!
Lunch break
Tools of Entrepreneurs:
WEB 2.0
Coffee break
Tools of Entrepreneurs:
WEB 2.0
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Social evening

Day 7:
Follow-up session – Just do it ideas
Coffee break
Follow-up ideas
Lunch break
Planning dissemination of the project
Coffee break
Learning outcomes – youth pass
Steaming Groups & Dinner
Farewell party

Day 8:
Evaluation 2

Our host University

The „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi – an excellent choice for high school graduates, who decided to opt for a career in the provoking field of engineering. All our eleven faculties, endowed with laboratories and the latest equipment, where worldwide recognized specialists perform their activity, are ready to welcome and assist you in your endeavour. I am convinced that the diploma awarded by our university will become the key of success both in your career and personal life.

We look forward to welcoming you at our university!

Professor Ion GIURMA
Rector of The „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi


Iaşi (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈjaʃʲ]) (also historically referred to as Jassy or Iassy), is the second most populous city (according to the last census) and a municipality in Romania. Located in the historical Moldavia region, Iaşi has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life. The city was the capital of the Principality of Moldavia from 1564 to 1859, then of the United Principalities from 1859 to 1862 and the capital of Romania from 1916 to 1918.

Known as The Cultural Capital of Romania, Iaşi is a symbol in Romanian history. The historian Nicolae Iorga said "There should be no Romanian who does not know of it".[7]

Still referred[8] to as The Moldavian Capital, Iaşi is the seat of Iaşi County and the main economic centre of the Romanian region of Moldavia. Home to the first Romanian university and to the first engineering school, it is the second largest university centre in the country and accommodates over 75,000 students in 5 public and 7 private universities.[9][10] The social and cultural life revolves around the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater (the oldest in Romania), the Moldova State Philharmonic, the Opera House, the Tătăraşi Athenaeum, a famous Botanical Garden (the oldest and largest in Romania), the Central University Library (the oldest in Romania), the high quality cultural centres and festivals, an array of museums, memorial houses, religious and historical monuments.

Youth in Action

On 15 November 2006, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Decision No 1719/2006 /EC, which establishes the Youth in Action programme for the period 2007 to 2013. This document is the legal basis of the Programme for its entire duration.

Youth in Action is the EU Programme for young people aged 15-28 (in some cases 13-30). It aims to inspire a sense of active citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping the Union's future.

Youth in Action is a programme for all! It promotes mobility within and beyond the EU borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, and encourages the inclusion of all young people, regardless of their educational, social and cultural background.

Youth in Action is the successor of the YOUTH Programme (2000-2006). Building on the experience of the previous programmes for youth, Youth in Action is the result of a large consultation with the different stakeholders in the youth field and aims to respond to the evolutions and needs of young people at European level.

With a total budget of 885 million euros for seven years (2007-2013), the Programme supports a large variety of activities for young people and youth workers through five Actions.

Project Partners

1. Asociatia “Liga Studentilor Electronisti” din Iasi / Electronics’ Students’ League from Iasi – Association - ROMANIA
2. Manisa Municipality Youth Center (MAGEM)- TURKEY
3. Sports Economist Club - Bulgaria
4. European Association of Young Regionalists - POLAND
5. Zavod Mladinski center Kotlovnica Kamnik - SLOVENIA
6.European Borders - ITALY
7. Free Learning Centre - LITHUANIA

Entrepreneurship - Just do it - 24 March - 1 April 2011 - Iasi, ROMANIA

Entrepreneurship – Just do it is a youth exchange – Action 1.1 – Youth in Action aiming at promoting social entrepreneurship to the youth group as a constructive solution for the social change. The project brings together 35 youngsters from: Lithuania, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania, in Iasi, Romania, creating an intercultural context, favorable for the intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue. The project tackles the youth unemployment from a constructive and social innovative perspective, offering youth the methodological and practical support to develop their social entrepreneurship ideas. Thus, integrating the 2010’s priorities as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, Entrepreneurship – Just do it empowers youth to be an active social actor for change, promoting, in the same time the idea of volunteering, for social development, contributing to the promotion of 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering.